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About Our Process

Right at Home has a methodical process to assess our client's needs. In a short space of time, we are able to determine and understand our client's unique situations and recommend a custom care plan to suit their particular needs.  This gets them the care they need when and how they need it. 

The Initial Call and Meeting

From the moment your client calls our local Right at Home office, we begin analysing the specific needs of their loved one. The initial call is structured so as to cover the range of needs that the client may have. During the call, we will be able to provide an indication of the cost of our services. The final quote for the cost of our services will be provided at the end of the assessment process. 

At the end of the initial call, we will schedule an in-home visit by a Care Manager or Care Coordinator in order to make a detailed assessment. The in-home visit would include the client and their family members so that everyone can gain a full understanding of the process. The in-home visit also allows the client and the family to ask questions and gather more information so that they can make an informed decision. At the conclusion of the assessment process, the Care Manager or Care Coordinator will also be able to confirm the cost of the services that are needed. 

The Custom Care Plan

With Right at Home, you will always know what services are being provided to your client. After our initial meeting with your client, we develop a Custom Care Plan. The Custom Care Plan is goal and outcomes-focused. It is designed to evolve as the client's needs change over time. The outcomes in the plan are measurable and tailored to a person's specific needs.

Our experienced Registered Nurses and Care Managers will make recommendations and provide guidance to the family on ways in which the client's lifestyle can be made more comfortable. Our Care Managers make follow-up visits with the client and the designated carers to ensure that the Custom Care Plan is correctly implemented. The details of the Custom Care Plan and the care notes are kept in a folder in the client's home so that family members can check on progress at any time. 

The Custom Care Plan is reviewed by the Care Manager every six months or earlier if necessary in consultation with the client and the client's family. Our Care Managers and Care Coordinators are available 24 hours to deal with emergency situations. Our all-hours number is 1300 363 802. 

Caregiver Matching

Once your client has approved the Custom Care Plan, we begin our search for the best person to implement that care. Our proprietary system of matching caregivers to clients takes numerous factors into consideration: services needed, client interests and the personalities of both the client and the caregiver.

By looking at the whole situation, we're better able to provide your client with the best caregiver possible. Of course, if there are ever any concerns about a specific caregiver, we can search for and provide a replacement in very little time. 

Care Supervision

The care we provide is driven in all respects by the Custom Care Plan. The Custom Care Plan has goals and outcomes that are measurable over time. It is important that the effectiveness of the Custom Care Plan is reviewed and amended as needs change. During each visit, the caregiver will make a set of care notes which cover off on each of the tasks designated in the Custom Care Plan. These care notes together with the Custom Care Plan are kept in a folder in the client's home as well as in the Right at Home Care Management System. 

Our Care Managers and Care Coordinators make frequent visits to the home to meet with the client and the caregiver to discuss the Custom Care Plan and to ensure that the client is happy with the services we are providing. Our Care Managers will also liaise with designated family members to provide feedback on the Custom Care Plan and the progress we are making.