It's Teal Ribbon Day this week which is Ovarian Cancer Australia’s biggest awareness week to raise money and knowledge about Ovarian Cancer in Australia.
How Does a Home Care Provider Assist a Client with Ovarian Cancer?
As Australia’s trusted and respected home care provider, we support and care for clients who are recovering from surgery which is known as post-operative support or we provide care for clients going through treatment for cancers. We provide transitional care and support in the form of transportation to and from treatment and appointments, cooking of meals and shopping, assisting with grooming and medication reminders all the way through to the provision of specialised nursing care at home.
As a home care provider, we are proud to share information in support of Teal Ribbon Day but first, let’s inform our readers on Ovarian Cancer.
What is Ovarian Cancer?
Ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer in Australia and about 1580 Australian women are diagnosed with cancer each year. It is cancer where a tumour starts growing in one or both ovaries.
Who Gets Ovarian Cancer?
The average age of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer is age 64 but it occurs in women mainly over the age of 50. It can be diagnosed in younger women. More information on diagnosing Ovarian Cancer and information on self-care, wellbeing and other support can be found on the Ovarian Cancer Australia website
What are the Symptoms?
Teal Ribbon Day 2020 #Ovary-Action
February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Australia which is held each year to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, to share the stories of women affected by the disease, to highlight the risk factors for ovarian cancer and educate Australians on ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment. This year Teal Ribbon Day (26th February) is promoting the theme of #Ovary-Act rather than not act.
Ovarian Cancer Australia encourages Australians to act during Awareness Month (and beyond) by talking to your friends and family to ensure they know about ovarian cancer, asking your GP about your ovarian cancer risk, buying a $3 teal ribbon from their website, donating, hosting a Paint the Town Teal event and downloading information kits of their website. So go ahead, spread the word, fundraise and help raise money and awareness for a great cause!
Caring for Loved Ones at Home
As a home care provider Right at Home Australia provides the support and homecare and assistance needed for people suffering with cancer to remain together with their loved ones at home through their treatment or recovery. Our care services fall into several categories of home care for seniors, adults living with a disability and post-operative care including services for those with special care situations caused by complex medical conditions. Right at Home is a 'My Aged Care' government approved, home care provider for levels 1 – 4 and have a comprehensive portfolio of care services that ensure your loved ones get the care they need.
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Founded in 1995, Right at Home offers in-home companionship and personal care, and assistance to seniors and adults living with a disability who want to continue to live independently or age in their home. Right at Home is your local expert for issues related to caring for your loved ones and is dedicated to keeping you informed about home care. With no admin or subscription fees Right at Home allows you to get more care from your package or budget.
Right at Home is a 'My Aged Care' government approved, home care provider for levels 1 – 4 and offers flexible in-home care services such as nursing care, after hospital care, post-operative care, respite care, dementia and Alzheimer's care. Right at Home also offers assistance with daily living such as grooming, hygiene, transport, shopping, meal prep, domestic services and social support, so your loved one can enjoy a more independent, vibrant life. Our nurses and caregivers are screened, highly trained and insured prior to entering your home so you can trust us with the caregiving while you focus on your loved one.
To find out more, please give us a call on 1300 363 802 or visit our website.
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Right at Home, Unit 4 16-36 Nile Street Woolloongabba, Brisbane QLD 4102