Personal Care Assistant/ Personal Care Worker
Supervises, feeds and dresses clients, who by reason of advanced age, physical disability or mental deficiency, need supervision. Also assists clients with other activities that are related to the clients' independent living and which cannot be performed by the clients alone due to health and or age limitations.
Performs personal care activities that assist the client with activities of daily living which include (but are not limited to):
Performs homemaking activities which include (but are not limited to):
Caregivers must spend at least 80% of their work time providing fellowship, care and protection for clients. Any general household work must be less than 20% of the caregiver's working time during each shift.
To find out if there are personal care assistant or nursing assistant positions available in your area, use our Job Opportunities Locator. To learn more about this position, download a PDF of this job description.
Central West New South Wales
Hunter & Port Stephens
Macarthur Penrith
Northern Rivers
Padstow St George
Southern NSW
Sydney Central & Eastern Suburbs
Sydney Five Dock
Sydney Inner West
Sydney Liverpool
Sydney Lower North Shore
Sydney Norwest
Sydney Northern Beaches
Sydney Parramatta
Sydney Randwick
Sydney Ryde
Sydney Sutherland Shire
Sydney The Hills
Sydney Upper North Shore
Western NSW
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Right at Home, Unit 4 16-36 Nile Street Woolloongabba, Brisbane QLD 4102