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Right at Home Blog

The Quality Imperative for Palliative Care

| Palliative Care

Palliative medicine must prioritize the routine assessment of the quality of clinical care we provide.

Journal of Pain & Symptom Management | July 23, 2014 

This includes regular assessment, analysis, and reporting of data on quality. Assessment of quality informs opportunities for improvement and demonstrates to our peers and ourselves the value of our efforts. In fact, continuous messaging of the value of palliative care services is needed to sustain our discipline; this requires regularly evaluating the quality of our care. As the reimbursement mechanisms for health care in the U.S. shift from fee-for-service to fee-for-value models, palliative care will be expected to report robust data on quality of care. We must move beyond demonstrating to our constituents (including patients and referrers), "here is what we do, "and increase the focus on "this is how well we do it" and "let's see how we can do it better."

It is incumbent on palliative care professionals to lead these efforts. This involves developing standardized methods to collect data without adding additional burden, comparing and sharing our experiences to promote discipline-wide quality assessment and improvement initiatives, and demonstrating our intentions for quality improvement on the clinical frontline.

Right at Home Australia is committed to providing quality care for your loved one and is dedicated to keeping you informed about home care.

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